About Us
The Regional Development Corporation (RDC) is a private non-profit 501(c) 3 organization dedicated to improving economic development in Northern New Mexico. The RDC provides private investment opportunities and technical assistance to facilitate job growth and diversify the economies of communities in the following seven counties: Los Alamos, Mora, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Taos, and the municipalities and Native American Pueblos therein.
Current funders include Los Alamos County, New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and Triad National Security, LLC. The RDC also works year-round to identify and secure new funding sources to support its mission.
The RDC supports economic development in Northern New Mexico through two main program areas. The Business Retention & Expansion Program provides small businesses, regional startups, and tribal communities funding opportunities and one-on-one technical assistance to help build and sustain a vibrant local economy. The Workforce Training & Education Program is a partnership between the RDC and six Northern New Mexico higher education institutions to identify training needs and develop a well-educated workforce in the region.